Importance of Laung, Elachi, Jal & Kara

Revered Guruji, who was a manifestation of Shiv-shakti, would recommend good use of the gifts of nature,  like  jal  and vanaspati (laung, elaichi, kali-mirch etc.) to rid people of their problems.  Nature has provided medicinal values in all these items, but revered Guruji groomed his shishyas in the path of sadhna and made them capable of multiplying the medicinal values by sanctifying (blessing) these items with the power of sacred mantras to relieve people of their physical and mental problems.

But the effect of mantra-power depends upon the karmas of people.  The length of time required by an individual to derive the maximum benefit of the mantra power depends on the goodness or badness of that person.  It   takes  some time to  cleanse the dirt  (of bad karmas) of a person.  Persons who are comparatively pious and receptive, get well soon or find solution to their problems faster.

Importance of vanaspati and jal: Shanti-mantra  in Yajurveda (Chapter 36, shloka 17) while praising the entire universe, five tatvas, medicines, vegetation (among other gifts of nature),  motivates  towards  international  peace  and internal peace of mind.  These vegetational gifts of nature – laung, elaichi,   kali-mirch,   tulsi,   supari,   neem   etc.  –  have  inbuilt medicinal  values,   but  when  a  sadhak,  with  the grace and blessings of Sadguru, sanctifies (infuses spiritual powers into) these items with sacred and  sidh mantras,   then the medicinal values of these  items  multiply  manifold  and  the  physical  and  mental ailments of people get eradicated at  miraculous speed.

From the spiritual point of view, laung and elaichi have a very deep significance.  When laung is placed on elaichi in a perpendicular position, then this combination takes the shape of a shiv-linga.  The human form is the most exalted creation of the Lord.  It is like a mobile temple.  When laung and elachi is taken with implicit faith and reverence, while inwardly chanting Aum Aum Aum, then symbolically, we are establishing shiv-linga (shiv-shakti) in this corporal temple.  Furthermore, by pouring jal on that shiv-linga (i.e.  drinking jal)  day and night, an effort is being made to cleanse the dirt, layer after layer, of  rajoguna and tamoguna, accumulated during birth after birth and establish satoguna in a clear, transparent and pure mind. 

This effort generates cosmic energy in the human body and ensures regular and adequate flow of life force, eradicates ailments, enhances will-power, and in a clear and transparent mind, you are able to see and realize your real-self (atman) which is an inseparable part of Param-atman.

The object of this effort is to alleviate the suffering humans afflicted by tamoguni and rajoguni food habits, conduct    and    behaviour,    thinking   pattern,    sense   of attachment (to material world),  jealousy,  animosity etc.;  and to show them the right direction and motivate them to lead a satoguni life with a spiritual bent of mind so that they are able to experience happiness and peace, which has been eluding them so far.

Jal is a life source. Merely by adopting the qualities of Jal, one can ensure fulfillment of life.  The inherent qualities of  Jal are coolness, purity, transparency, continuous flow and ability to change its course when it comes across obstacles, transform its transparency into any colour  it is put into.  That  is  how  our life needs to be.  Remain cool in favourable as well as in adverse circumstances.  Ensure transparency in your character,  purity in your thoughts, actions, behaviour and conduct, and you would pleasantly observe that you belong to the entire world and the entire world belongs to you – .Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Life is a continuous flow of energy and must go on, if the human race has to progress.  One should be able to change and adjust oneself to changing circumstances and situations.  Obstinacy will only result in turbulence – anger, hostility, animosity, jealousy, so on and so forth, which is not the purpose of our life.

Importance of Kara: We live and keep ourselves alive because of cosmic energy.  Due to fluctuations in the cosmic energy, certain deficiencies occur in the human body  which  create  numerous  problems.  Copper,  being a good conductor, plays an important role in keeping these fluctuations under control.  Just as electricity is generated in a power house and through the distribution transformer and copper cable it reaches  the meter in our house and  we are able to make good use of the electrical equipment / gadgets.    To   safeguard   these   equipments/gadgets,  we install a voltage stabilizer.  In the same manner,   kara,   made  out  of  copper   wire, blessed with sacred mantras,  receives   cosmic energy, stores it and distributes/transmits it to the human body at required intensity, so that various gadgets/limbs of our body are able to perform the desired functions.  Kara is worn as a protective measure to safeguard our body and to maintain its normal functioning.  This is the reason why, Kara keeps changing its colour – at times it shines, sometimes it becomes dull and at times it turns black or red. This is a scientific explanation.

Copper is a metal that acts as a shield or a deterrent to any impending ailment. From naturopathy point of view, water stored in a copper vessel, eliminates the impurities of water and its use can drive out many anomalies of the stomach.  Copper kara constantly rubs around the wrist and, through the fine pores of skin, enters into our body in an infinitesimal quantity.  Then it mixes with the body chemistry and eradicates many types of ailments. 

The copper kara has a very deep spiritual significance also.  Copper is a manifestation of Mahamritunjey (one of the  forms of  Lord Shiva),  that  not only gives relief  from ailments, sorrows, sufferings and other problems, but also  acts as a protection to the human body and bestows good health. After living a complete life, it ensures agony-free transcendence.

Half copper and half silver kara symbolically is a manifestation of Shiva and Shakti. Shakti, in the form of  Goddess  Lakshmi,  bestows upon us  happiness and well-being, wealth and prosperity, progress and advancement in business and profession.

It needs to be clearly understood that when you take these items - sanctified (blessed and infused with spiritual powers) - with pious feelings, implicit faith and reverence, surrender yourself  unconditionally  unto  the  lotus  feet of your Guru and God,   the   results   and   blessings   are   equally   positive   and forthcoming.  For example, while bowing your head before the Guru to receive his blessings, if the inner-self has not bowed, then, the mechanical bending of the body is meaningless.  If a karma is performed half-heartedly, devoid of faith and reverence, then the result obtained is also incomplete. A true Sadguru, who renders selfless service, expects nothing in return; he only yearns for love and reverence. Except love, reverence and faith, what else can you give to your Guru.  In the spiritual  domain  of  Guru  hierarchy, gift items of material world are unimportant and meaningless. To detach yourself from the material world and move ahead towards the spiritual attainment is the ultimate goal of human life.  

Rules of Guru Sthan

Practice ‘Satoguna’. Exercise restraint on ‘Kama’ (passion), ‘Krodha’ (anger), ‘Lobha’ (greed), ‘Moha’ (emotional attachment) and ‘Ahankara’ (ego). Endeavour to discipline and bring these five wild horses under control to achieve inner peace and tranquility of mind.

Do not use ‘Tamoguni’ items like non-vegetarian food – eggs, meat, fish, alcohol etc. Totally abstain from these items especially on Mondays and Thursdays and observe ‘Brahmcharya vrat’.

Rules for Thrusdays

  1. Do not get hair cut and / or nails cut.
  2. Gents should not shave.
  3. Do not use soap or shampoo for head bath.
  4. Do not wash clothes.
  5. Avoid offerings (alms) and / or lendings, in cash.

Special Notes

Do note make any offerings, in cash or in kind at Guru Sthans.

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